Wednesday, March 25, 2015

When The Old Can't Hold The New

Sometimes being broken isn't a bad thing.  Sometimes it just means that the old can't hold the new.  It hurts all the same, but sometimes God allows us to break in order to make room for the new and allow it to grow.  It may still be caused by sin on some level in these cases, and likely that sin is what would have hindered our growth if things would have remained as they were.

The strange thing is, that the more we've encountered Christ and His love and the more ready we are to grow, the less it hurts.  When I've experienced all that Christ has to offer and how much better it is than what anyone or anything else has to over, the more I am willing to embrace that brokeness if it leads me closer to Christ.  I become more ready to throw off everything that hinders me in my walk with Him and to keep my focus on Him.  He is my prize.  Even if I lost all else, He would still remain.  And He is greater than all else.  He satisfies even the deepest longings of the heart.  If He's leading me out of something, I can trust that it's for my good and that He's leading me into an even better place to bear fruit.  And there's a strange sense of peace that accompanies this brokeness, a peace that helps me let go and move on.

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