Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Is Social Media Bad?

Social media has a tendency to get a bad rap.  But is social media the problem?

I recently witnessed some people respond to some insensitive comments only to be told by countless people that they were too sensitive and if they couldn't handle it, they shouldn't be on social media.  Here's the thing, though- Facebook didn't post those comments- a person did.  And the fact that it's on social media doesn't make it acceptable. The problem is not that people are too sensitive to be on social media; the problem was people behaving unkindly.

I would argue that social media in and of itself is neutral.  It is what we make of it.  The real "problem" is that it brings our heart issues into the light.  The real problem is that we blame those problems on social media instead of realizing that we have some issues we need to work on and then dealing with them.

Luke 6:45 says that the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.  What do our posts reveal about our hearts?  It's not always bad; sometimes they reveal the good, too.  But the bad ends up there , too.  What could we gain if we had the courage to examine our hearts and change what needed to be changed?  With the knowledge that Christ already seen the bad parts and loves us just as much anyways?  With help from some Christian brothers and sisters who will stand by us and support is while we work on it?  The Christ part is guaranteed; the second part requires that we also step up and be willing to stand alongside others as they grow.

Sometimes looking in the mirror is hard.  We don't always like what we see.  The good news is that God is making us more and more like Him; like His image.  We all have some ugly to face, but if we're willing to face it and submit it to Christ, He'll give us the best makeover ever!  We'll look more like Him.  And gradually, there'll be less and less ugly and more and more beauty.  But we have to be brave enough to look in the mirror and own up to what we see.  And we need to see Christ there with us waiting for us to let Him turn it into something beautiful.

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