Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Ministry Of Kindness

I'm beginning to think that kindness may be a huge overlooked ministry in America.  I frequently hear public transportation workers get yelled at, mostly over things that aren't their fault.  I frequently witness difficult passengers.  I've been approached by a homeless person who considered someone willing to listen to him and pray with him to be as good as money.  Being friends with doctors has opened my eyes to how difficult and thankless their job can be.  Being friends with pastors has opened my eyes to how difficult and thankless their job can be.  

We're pretty good at making it known when we don't like something.  We're good at telling people how wrong we think they are.  We're good at being angry.

But what if we became good at being compassionate and encouraging instead?  How would things change?  I'm finding that even a little bit of thoughtfulness and kindness can go a long way.  It might make someone's day. People may look forward to seeing you again.  It might pay off for you too as you earn favor with people.  It's a simple way to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but one that is too often neglected.  It's not some grand act, but it's powerful.  It's simple and small, but a big way to show someone Christ's love for them.  Listening, thanking, smiling, being patient, etc. are all ways that we can be Jesus in the flesh in the midst of a hectic day.  Let's be people that stand out for being kind and practicing even the smallest acts of love.

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