Thursday, February 11, 2016


Today's word to reflect on is "voice".   I chose to reflect on Isaiah 51:3, which says, "For the LORD comfort Zion; he comforts all her waste places snd makes her wilderness like Eden, her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song." (ESV)

I love the books of the prophets; they're my favorites.  There's a common theme: warning of punishment for sin if God's people don't repent and return to the Lord followed by promises of comfort and restoration that will follow and result in the Lord being exalted.  Lent is a time on reflecting on the punishment that our sin deserves and the fact that Christ bore that punishment for us.  It is a time of mourning as we reflect on the cost of sin.  However, this verse reminds me that it can also be a time of comfort.  The NIV translation of this verse says that he looks with compassion on Israel's ruins.

During this season of lent, I'm aware of some of the ruins in my life that have been caused by sin, whether it be sins that I committed or that others committed.  However, as I lament what used to be and is no longer there, I also want to turn to God and receive the comfort that He has promised following destruction.  I don't think we are supposed to mourn in vain; I think are mourning is meant to turn us back to the God who is waiting to comfort us.  I also want this to be a time for thanksgiving and the voice of song as I look forward to the promise of comfort and restoration.

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