Sunday, August 13, 2017

Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant

"Remember your leaders, those who have spoken God's word to you.  Think about the impact of their lives, and imitate their faith." -Hebrews 13:7 (International Standard Version)

This morning I got to watch a sermon on Hebrews 13:7 and it was one of the most powerful sermons I've ever witnessed.  I should note that Hebrews 13:7 was never mentioned during the sermon, but it was brought to life in a beautiful way throughout the service.  The service was at my second home church and was a time to celebrate a priest there as he enters into retirement.

I've grown pretty fond of this priest and his wife over the last few years.  I've had the privilege of serving alongside them on the drama team at a camp for foster children.  I've been blessed to see some of the ways they work together as a couple and honor God through the way they love each other and love the church together.  One of those most memorable moments was when I sold jewelry and his wife had hosted a jewelry show to support me.  Usually men didn't participate in the shows, but in this case, he came out when the show was over and they picked out her free jewelry together.  It was a very touching experience to witness.  And that jewelry show was only one of the many ways they have both shown me support and love over the years.  They have both been there for me at times when I've needed it, prayed for me, encouraged me, etc.  I have never had any reason to doubt that either of them care about me and I look up to them as Godly examples who have been very faithful servants of the Lord.  I am grateful for the example they have set for me.

The fruit of their faithfulness was palpable this morning.  The parking lot and sanctuary were much fuller this morning as people who have moved, go to other churches, can't make it every Sunday, etc. showed up to celebrate this priest and the ways God has worked in our lives through him.  Time was taken to reflect on His time as a priest and how God led him there.  He encouraged us all to make decisions that would grow our faith instead of hinder it.  One of the things that I thought was most beautiful about how the sermon was handled was that he was the only priest that gave out the communion waifers when both priests normally would.  It was a final time for everyone there to receive communion from him as an on staff priest.  And during that time, I got to watch him serve communion to his family, including his grandsons.  His son, however, couldn't be there- he was teaching the Word of God at another church.  The morning ended with lunch and a time of fellowship.

Things that are usually considered mountain top moments in faith are things like mission trips, church trips and big events, conferences, etc.  I consider this morning's service to have been a mountain top moment in my faith that was at least as impactful as any of those things, if not more so. There's something indescribably special about celebrating as someone has finished running a big part of the race and has finished well and also being able to look to the future knowing there's still more to come.  I chose to use the International Standard Version of Hebrews 13:7 because I felt like the wording best described this morning- an opportunity to look at the impact of this priest and his wife's lives and a call and desire to imitate their faith as they have faithfully served in the hope that we would do the same.  This morning I experienced a beauty of the Christian faith that I had not experienced in quite the same way before in witnessing how many lives are blessed when each of us chooses to be faithful to the Lord.

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