Monday, May 11, 2015

No More

The above image is from The Joyful Heart Foundation's No More Campaign.  No More means more than just no more domestic violence and sexual assault.  It means No More behaviors that enable it to happen, such as No More Silence, No More Blaming The Victim, etc.  It's No More Fill In The Blank as pictured below:

I'm hoping to add my voice to the No More campaign by doing a No More series on this blog.  God has given me a passion to fight the injustice of abuse.  I've heard several testimonies from suvivors of abuse that the church has not been much of a help in fighting abuse, and in some cases, it has even made things worse.  This is not always the case, but it is heartbreaking to hear how often it is the case.  In this No More series, I will address some common behaviors and attitudes that are found within the church that have a tendency to enable abuse, look at why they do so, and what might be able to be changed to help fight abuse.

A big inspiration for this blog series has been the "A Cry For Justice" blog.  This is a Christian-led blog that exists solely to address the issue of abuse and the church.  I believe it is a valuable resource for Christians that seek to understand the dynamics of abuse and who are looking for a Biblical understanding of how to deal with abuse when it occur within the church.  Here is the link:

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