Friday, February 20, 2015


One of the most powerful communion experiences I've ever had was one Sunday morning during the months before my trip to Niger in 2012.  A song about following Jesus had been song either before or during communion.  Fancy that, a song about following Jesus being sung at church.  Who would have thought?  Anyways, something struck me that morning that going on this trip would mean that I would need to be willing to possibly follow Jesus in having my body broken for the sake of the Gospel.  Not necessarily to the point of death, but nonetheless, this trip would mean subjecting my body to a vaccine that had the potential to be fatal and subjecting it to the possibility of diseases such as malaria.  This moment happened shortly before I received the yellow fever vaccine, the one that can potentially be fatal, and at the very least, typically causes a lot of pain.  It was a moment of surrender.  Of mentally offering my body as a living sacrifice before I was asked to physically do so.  A moment of counting the costs and accepting them.  A moment of choosing to follow Jesus even when it meant my body might be broken, all the while remembering the way that His was broken for me so that I might believe and be saved.  Was I willing to offer mine to whatever might happen on this trip in the hopes that others might believe and be saved because Christ had done the same for me?  I was.  Communion that day felt like my acceptance of that.

I ended up not even experiencing any pain from the yellow fever vaccine.  I was spared from all of the ill effects that came with that.  However, I was not spared from malaria, though I only suffered a minor case thanks to the fact that God had a plan in place that was better than any human plan could have ever been and I was able to start treatment within 7 hours of the symptoms starting.  As afraid as I had been of malaria, I didn't feel any of that fear when I actually had it.  All I felt was a peace that surpassed understanding.  I knew it was a risk, but because I entered that risk knowing that I was following God, I felt Him very near to me when the symptoms hit.  I wouldn't trade the moments I had with God at that time for anything; they are some of the most precious I've ever experienced.

Fast forward to communion on Ash Wednesday 2015.  A time to remember God's body being broken for us.  The communion I just mentioned flashed through my memory.  But this time, so did the image of 21 bodies that were recently broken for the sake of the Gospel- the 21 Christians that were recently killed by ISIS.  Thoughts of all the bodies broken for the sake of the Gospel in the middle east and in other countries such as Burma, China, and North Korea just to name a few.  I've read that Christian persecution is at an all time high.

During worship, Romans 12:1 was shown on the screen.  "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."  Although we may not all be called to literally offer our bodies as a sacrifice to be broken perhaps unto death, but Paul certainly meant for us to be willing to go that far.  He was.  Many brothers and sisters today all over the world are doing so. 

The question that remains in my mind is  is, what am I going to do with a faith so precious that the body of the One and Only Most High was broken for it?  That countless others have given their bodies to be broken for?

This is how I want to respond: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,  fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." (Hebrews 12:1-3)

Ours is a faith that's worth giving everything for, because our God already gave everything for us.  We are promised that he who loses His life shall find it.  We are told that the death of God's saints is precious in His sight.  We are given the hope that not only was Christ's body broken, but it was raised back to life and can no longer be broken and that the same will someday be true for us.  There is a battle being fought that will leave us broken, but as Easter reminds us, Christ took on our brokeness in order to make us whole.  It is this hope that allows us to endure temporary brokeness and perservere while we wait to be made whole with Him.

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