Monday, July 29, 2013

Jehovah Jireh

     The name Jehovah Jireh means "The LORD our provider".  Last week, I witnessed a beautiful testimony of this while I was on a mission trip to San Diego with 14 other people from my church.  On Wednesday evening, we had the privilege of serving hot meals to homeless people in Chula Vista.  A small amount of clothing was also available for the people to sort through after they finished eating.

     One of the women we met that night had walked to San Diego from Arizona.  Understandably, her shoes were very worn.  She asked our youth minister Joe if we had any shoes.  Joe didn't know if there would be any, but went to go look.  Sure enough, there was 1 pair of shoes and they were her size.  When Joe brought them back to her, she began to cry and said that she could now look for a job since she had shoes.  It was as if God had made sure that both she and those shoes were there that night so He could give them to her.  Jehovah Jireh- the LORD provided.

     I think that night was a favorite for many of us because it was one of the few serving activities that we di where we actually got to interact with the people we were serving.  Sorting through donated clothes didn't seem as exciting because we didn't get to see the faces of the people who would receive them.  Yet the way God provided for this woman gave us a glimpse of the way people would be blessed by our service.

     Wanting to continue the work God had been doing in our hearts during the trip, we tried to find things we could take home with us to make a difference here in Modesto.  As we sorted through clothes, I kept remembering all the clothes I have in my closet that either don't fit or that I simply don't wear.  I've intended to go through my closet for awhile now, but I never actually get around to it- that is, until today.

     So what's so different about today?  Today I walked out of the house to find a plastic bag in the front door to collect clothing for disabled American veterans.  As I sort through my closet looking for clothes to donate, I know that God already knows the names and faces of the people who will be receiving them.  God is in the process of providing clothes for people who need them.  That bag on the door?  That was my invitation to join Him.  That was Him asking me to give Him clothes that I no longer use and allow Him to bless someone else through them.  That was Jehovah Jireh in action.

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