Saturday, March 30, 2019

First Steps On Unknown Paths

"And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them.  I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground.  These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them." -Isaiah 42:16 (ESV)

My twenties didn't go much like I had expected them to, so I decided to start my thirties with a new approach at the beginning of the year.  Instead of trying to come up with a 5,10, + year plan, I'm trying to knock on doors that interest me and seeing which ones God opens; taking small steps and learning where they might lead trusting that God sees the whole path.

One of those steps I chose to take is exhibiting my photography in a gallery.  Those steps have looked something like this:
1) Go to the Photography As Art presentation at the gallery.  I was very nervous about this event and was worried I might leave feeling discouraged and chicken out.  Instead, I left feeling very encouraged.  I also heard a quote that fit well with my current journey.  The presenter talked about experiments with primates doing art.  He said one of the things they found is that "The first step always leads to the next step."  I like the idea of my life being God's artwork with these first steps leading to the next and becoming something wonderful.
2) Become a member of the gallery.  I did this right after the presentation.
3) Prepare photos for the upcoming floral and still life exhibit.  This involved taking the photos, post-processing, ordering prints and frames, and framing the photos.  Aside from a defective frame piece that is being replaced, I just finished this step.
4) Turn in my prospectus.  This is my next step.
5) Bring photos to the gallery at the end of April.
6) Attend the artist reception in mid-May.
7) Take unsold photos home at the beginning of June.

These are the steps I can see.  I don't know what may end up happening in between some of those steps or what steps may come after.  I don't know where the path may go from there, but I'm trusting God to reveal more when the time comes.

Another big door I've knocked on so far was volunteering at a local hospital.  I had originally wanted to volunteer as a baby cuddler and called about it at the beginning of January.  There was a longer than expected delay while waiting to hear back from someone that made me question whether or not that door would open.  In the meantime, a different door opened at the hospital- the possibility of serving on a patient and family advisory council.  This was something that I had wanted to be a part of but didn't know existed, if that makes any sense.  The ability to use my health struggles and the insights they've given me to help improve the patient experience for others is something that greatly appealed to me and I decided to pursue it.  I eventually got a call back about volunteering as a baby cuddler, but found myself more drawn to the advisory council and decided to continue down that path.  I don't know where that path will take me or how God will use me on it, but I'm excited to follow it.

It's hard taking the first step on unknown path.  There's a human tendency to want to know the whole path before taking that step.  This is definitely true for me.  But right now, I hear God asking me to just take things one step at a time and have faith that these new paths lead to good things.  I'm just called to take the steps; what He decides to with those steps is up to Him.